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The ReBoot Wiki

Welcome to the ReBoot Wiki site. This is a complete encyclopedia of the television show ReBoot. This site was started in November 2007. We hope that you enjoy the site and please help us update and correct any information you can. Thank you for coming.

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Maxine is a Search Engine operating out of the Desert Port System. She is chrome-plated with golden hair, and has a small gold and silver icon. Maxine's ship is named IMAX.

When Matrix and AndrAIa are downloaded into the system and find it has ports to the Net, they begin searching for inter-system transport. AndrAIa finds Maxine cleaning her boat. She is rather upset, apparently her last passengers threw up in her boat. She says, "How many times do I have to say, 'if you feel the need to vomit, don't.'"

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